This page will be undergoing a new, updated focus for AWD in Artistic Swimming. We will be shifting from primarily advocacy to primarily resources for AWD and Coaches in Artistic Swimming. This page and accompanying tabs/pages should be completed by DEC 2024. Included will be a login page for current USA AWD coaches. Thank you for your patience as we transition into the next chapter for AWDs globally.
" "Artistic Swimming SHOULD be a Paralympic Sport"....


Jade was a competitive synchronized swimmer for 6 years for the La Mirada Aquabelles and the Meraquas of Irvine. She has won various medals in multiple national competitions. She was also a US 13-15 National Team member for the 2017 season and competed at the UANA Pan American Championships in Santiago, Chile where she won a silver medal in duet as well as scored the highest individually on the team.
However, because of sustained injuries during her last year, Jade decided to quit participating in the sport competitively and turned to participation through judging and coaching instead.
Due to her previous experience with teammates that shared the same passion for the sport as she did but also had to quit because of permanent injuries, she wanted to find a way to extend the sport to those who struggle with injuries and disabilities and Bay Area Synchro allows her to do just that.
Jade hopes to help as many athletes as she can and give them the same opportunities and experiences she has had while competing as well as share the same love and passion for this sport that she has. She also wants to fight to get the sport in the Paralympics sometime soon in order to expand the sport to everyone and increase the number of participants.