Join Us around the World-2016!
This year has already proven to be so busy that the Synchronized Swimming Athletes with Disabilities Organization is trying to keep up with requests and inquiries for starting programs worldwide! "We still have to work on locating grants and funding so that we can provide a free local program here in California as well as help other Countries start theirs", says SS-AWD President, Tina Boales. But with travel and helping other Countries establish programs, Tina says there is a rush to focus on needs on swimmers in the United States.
Tina says, taking the advice of the Canadians was all to real. "They told us, the best thing we can do, is to focus on developing with other Countries, so that ultimately, we'd have swimmers to compete against internationally and to help with our goal of applying for International Paralympic Games". So far, it has been very successful with 13 Countries already on board with synchro swimmers in training. "Taiwan has done a FANTASTIC job is setting the bar for what needs to be done" says Tina. Synchro Taiwan, led by Coach Julia Startchencko has already surpassed over 20 athletes with disabilities in their program and have attended numerous exhibitions and competitions. Synchro Taiwan has become the 'model' for other programs developing around the world and Brazil has already taken notes and on their way to another great successful program, scheduled to be formally introduced and kicked off with a synchro AWD Symposium in early September 2016. This will follow the Olympic/Paralympic Games and will attract synchro AWD from around the world.
So, if you'd like to join us, please do! We have been invited to Japan, May 6th-8th, Italy and Russia in July for a competition and exhibition as well as a camp, Brazil, the BIG ONE, August 31st to Sept 8th, And, finally, Spain for a 2nd annual camp in early December. We have recieved inquiries from Greece, New Zealand, Israel and Nepal! If you'd like additional information about these destinations, please send us an email at: